Monday 21 July 2014

Life in Liverchester


I'm living in Willington, Liverchester behind the Duel cafe. It's a student area, which is really annoying.

I'm 41 at the moment and I can't stand the conversations of these students. I'm too old for this area, it's hell to me. They are all optimistic, all young and happy, I'm the opposite, I'm an example of what not to do with your life actually, I fucked up at their age,now I'm reminded everyday that I fucked up.
I should have done things differently, I should have went to college for music, and probably university and so on, I should have learned to read music and I would be able to go everywhere in the world sight reading and session playing, instead I'm jacking off to porn until dawn with my trousers around my ankles, face pressed up flat against the keyboard. I'm 41.

I usually get a bus to work everyday, it's only a pound, but it's like a school bus, full of these teenagers and college and uni kids, I can't stand listening to their immature conversations, I can't even give you an example, I just hate the shit they come out with, none of it is important, or relevant to me. There is also a unversal accent for intelligent posh girls from England too that I'm fucking sick of too. It's the SAME ACCENT, that SAME ENGLISH accent that's from no particular region just SNOB-VILLE, POSH-VILLE bordering on GEEK-VILLE and I LAUGH-LOUDLY-VILLE at IMMATURE-THINGS-VILLE so everyone can hear me-ville because I like drawing attention to-myself-ville, because I was a lonely kid-at-school-ville.

Well I've got an interview tomorrow, hooray. Yes I hope I get this job, its nothing flash, I just want the hours, it's day shift, permanent days, this would be great because I can start to have my life back on the evenings. At the moment I work in a factory I absolutely hate it, don't get me too wrong, I appreciate having A JOB, if I didn't have this job wouldn't be here in Manchester that's for sure. But my boss is an arsehole of the highest order. He talks to me and everyone else in the place like a piece of shit, depending if he's been blown off the night before.

I cant stand going there because of him, not knowing what kind of mood he's in. He can snap at any minute, he will talk to you nice one minute, then talk to you like shit the next within MINUTES. Then if you do something wrong, naturally it gets worse. Then I get nervous around him because he's such a twat, he's the kind of guy who would grass on his own mother for the GOOD OF THE COMPANY, yes that's right he's one of them, one of those arsehole 'COMPANY MEN'. Sad bastards who think their shitty little pointless job, is IMPORTANT. Usual story, nothing good happening in their life otherwise, possible loss of control at home. little life at home, not very god at things at they unleash pure hell at work,they think 'NOW HERE'S SOMETHING I'M GOOD AT! I CAN KICK ASS, TALK TO PEOPLE LIKE SHIT, GOOD, I CAN GET THINGS DONE BECAUSE I KNOW THIS JOB INSIDE OUT, THAT MAKES ME IMPORTANT IN THE CONTEXT OF THIS WORKPLACE!' Yes he's talks to everyone at work like shit, and I WANT OUT.
I have been working here for around a year now, and it's not a pleasure going to work there, I've nearly cried before I started a shift that's how much I hate it.
The thing is, as a line leader / team leader, I understand you may be working with idiots yourself, aresholes even, people may do stupid things or talk bad to you, well it's your job and responsibility to conduct yourself in a good manner, you have 100 ways of saying things, you can tell people to do things in a neutral way, a normal casual way, a matter of fact way, a stern way and so on, HE CHOOSES TO TALK TO PEOPLE LIKE SHIT, that's his choice, and it's because of that CHOICE that I hate him, yes i HATE HIM, and you know what.....that's MY CHOICE fucker!!! So once again, fingers crossed, I may even pray....let's hope it goes well.


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