Monday 21 July 2014

A boss who talks to you like a piece of dirt


I had been working for a certain firm for a year now in Manclepool.
It's been a complete nightmare because of one man. One man has made my time at work a complete misery.
This guy is called Whitehead, I'm going to refer to him as shithead because he talks shit, he deals out the shit, we take his shit,we deal with his shit, and at the end of the shift he gives us more shit on how we performed and he might tell us, we did shit today.

This arsehole might have a napoleon complex or something, he really has a problem. He's one of those company people, my head drops when I meet those people. They are all the same, they'd sell their own mothers for the good of the company. How naive do you have to be to believe in any company that you don't own?
All companies will fold in the end, it's the nature of the manufacturing business. It WILL happen. So why invest so much of your interest in something that isn't yours to control? Why not just do enough? Do enough to keep your job. This shithad loves his team leader job, he gets paid an extra £100 for the pleasure of talking to the rest of us like children, he certainly has no respect for the people he's working with and I guess that's what really annoys me about him, and people like him.
In my experience, company people have no lives and probably no personalities. I've tried speaking to some of these fucks over the years and if you dig deep enough you'll find a pattern, a pattern of monotony in their miserable lives. Sometimes their home lives are so miserable that the only control and pleasure they get is telling you what to do, and telling you off, or getting you to do things again and again and again, just for kicks.

This is certainly the case with shithead, his life is basically babysitting at home and drinking and playing computer games, that's it, that's all. He might even be hen pecked too. All I know is that come Monday....I'm in a world of pain all week.

I've had a terrible year with him, it's really difficult knowing that every day you are going to be spoken to like a piece of shit, and I don't mean dirt, I mean shit, that's all I am to him. Every day WITHOUT FAIL, he will speak to me and others like shit.
Now, after a day you don't like it, multiply it by a week and you're really depressed, multiply it by a month and you're so down you're a nervous wreck, multiply it by a year and you're searching for ANY JOB you can find just to get away from the abuse and you're really thinking of ways to hurt him, you start fantasising of ways to injure him, just to get some kind of pleasure, just to make it fair in your mind. Because a year of shit from someone does that to you. When you feel like you're being told off before you've even done anything is really bad, then if you do make a mistake at work, how do you think shithead is going to take it?

I really don't understand why anyone can speak to people that way. This guy is meant to be in charge of us. I know it' easy to get angry if people make mistakes all the time, but shithead talks to us like this all the time. There's a thousand way for a manager to say one thing to his team, shithead chooses one way and it's the worst way possible, the team morale is zero.
The only time shithead tries to be nice is when he is in trouble with his superiors. There have been times when people have reported shithouse to his superiors, and he has shit himself, suddenly he starts asking how we are, how we are enjoying our time here, what are we doing at the weekend? What are our hobbies? He's not interested, he's just going through the motions, trying to fill in the gaps he can't do naturally, trying to be the team leader he was hired to be.
There was a time when his superiors were concerned with the morale of the team as a whole, and they sent an email to shithead asking if there were any problems, suddenly shithead turned from the computer screen in a panic and said 'Hey guys, how is the morale in this team?'. He looked really worried, I lied and said the morale was great, reason being, if I complained, he may have come down harder on us. It turned out he did anyway.

I had to put an act on throughout the year, that was my biggest performance, I was amazing. If I was totally myself I would have told shithead to fuck off and walked out, but I'm on my own now, I can't just walk out of jobs. I had to put a face on to deal with the shit that bastard was dishing out every day. IF you opposed him it only got worse for you, he would report everything to head office, if you spoke out of turn, disobeyed or questioned his authority he would send an email to the production manager. If you farted out of tune an email was sent. So I went the opposite way, I became a spineless twat just to get through it, I just said yes and no and sorry if I did something wrong, or said sorry if I did something he didn't like, and generally did everything he asked, that way I still got shit from him but it was minimised. However, I ended up hating myself for it, I couldn't be myself, every day I had to put an act on just to get 60% shit instead of 100%. No one should have to have to do that just to survive, it's a nightmare.

There was a time when a few of us got together and we decided something must be done to try and get this guy sacked, get him out of the company. There may have been three official complaints made against him.
Once he caught wind of this, he took all his team (me included) into a room and said 'Right, some people here have made official complaints against me. I've tried to be nice, I've tried telling you off the way I do, but if any of you make any mistakes or do anything out of line, I'm making an official complaint to the head office, end of!'
.....and I shit myself.
That meant if I even messed up (which was easy because I was a nervous wreck now) he would report me to the head office. Now it was personal between us all.
In the end, there was an internal investigation. Everyone in the company was questioned about shithead, everyone had the same issues with him, but it was decided that shithead would continue working for the company because he got his figures out, he produced the right amount of product as and when needed and he did it efficiently without question, and he knew everything about the product and the company (because he's a company man remember) so based on that, there's no reason to fire him, it doesn't matter if he treats his staff with contempt, as long as they performed like the pond life they are, he reaped the plaudits. He was and is the company man, the best of the best, who cares if people hate him, keep quitting and there's a large turnover of long as the right amount of product comes out, on time, or ahead of schedule then shithead runs a tight efficient team.

I hate those company people like shithead, one day he's going to be without a job, the job WILL end, he will be left with a silver watch or a carriage clock (no more than £100 spent) as a show of appreciation for his unselfish efforts for the the good of the company. There will be a presentation in a local hall / conference centre / workmans club, all of the managers will be there (only for free drinks and a meal) they will all pretend it was worth it, they will pretend that shithead was worth it,..more to the point SHITHEAD will believe he was worth it, he will feel worthy, he will feel like a manager, like a director like an executive, he will feel important finally, he will feel like he belongs to the company, he's within touching distance of all the playboy managers with the yachts and the Monaco lifestyle, he will feel this, he will be proud to have this on his C.V. but it won't progress him any further, because he's good at what he does, he's good at one thing, and good at telling others about THAT ONE thing. He's like a child who knows how to play a computer game, but only tells others little bits about that game so they never quite fully understand the game

So, in short, shithead made my working life a total misery for a year, and for that....I hate him.


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