Monday 26 May 2014

1970's - films & heatwaves.

Because I was only young in the 1970's I cant really remember too much, but what I do remember was happy times. People who are a lot older than me always mention the summer of 1976. It was the hottest summer Britain had ever had to that date.

I remember this believe it or not. I remember everyone in shorts running around squirting water on each other outside the street. People were going away for the day to the beach or the country, or just outside to play on their bikes...tomahawks and choppers were the rage then. I remember seeing 'the worlds greatest athlete' at our recreation centre in the town, that was our cinema in those days. All of the towns kids would go there to give their parents a break. I remember returning home in my shorts and looking at the ground, it was bright white with the sunshine glazing off it, you couldn't look too long because it would hurt your eyes, so I stopped doing that naturally.

Rivers dried up in places, the river Tees near Hurworth and Croft dried up completely I later heard, this summer was serious.
That was the last Britain would see a heat wave for many years. I think the last was in 2006, It's ironic that during this time I had just moved to Athens in Greece, and as soon as I leave.....Britain has a heat wave.

I remember 'Star Wars' coming out on the cinema, I was five years old, this must have been 1977. My dad and my sisters went to the Odeon in Darlington (Now Riley's snooker club) I can still remember certain bits that I remembered from the cinema experience....I remember the part where Luke Sky walker looks into the two suns and contemplates his future,Strange how things like that stick with you, and if I watch that scene now, it takes me right back.

Like many other boys of my generation (generation x apparently - the lost generation) we all loved Star Wars. There was nothing like it before apart from '2001 a space odyssey' but that was too slow to watch for kids, this film had everything. We loved it, and to top it all, someone left a parka and a balaclava in the cinema, so my dad asked around if it belonged to anyone, when no one owned up, he took it home and I had some new clothes. I wore that balaclava for years after that, I remember it being really itchy though. I always imagined me being itchy and warm, and some kid in Darlington freezing his nuts off outside his house waiting to get beaten off his dad for losing his coat & balaclava.

Superman was my film I think, my god I loved that film so much and my sisters will tell you, I used to try and stuff a towel down my back as a cape, I mean I ACTUALLY HID THE TOWEL as if it WAS my cape and I could unleash it at any moment and save the world....TOWEL BOY.

Loved Superman, this must have been 1978 (this has turned into a memory exercise for me if nothing else). Yes it was 1978 and I remember one of my sisters being really angry because my dad wouldn't let us see 'Jaws 2'. All of us had to watch Superman for my sake (I was 6) and my god I loved it. Maybe it's a film for geeks but I don't care, I didn't then, I was only six years old for Christs sake. I came home and ran around the living room and used to jump in the air onto my dads belly, he would let out a big gasp of air and pain. We did this until I left home at 27. Only joking of course, I was 23.

Yeah Superman was my hero and he got the girl naturally, in years to come I would dream of being a superhero and whisking the school hotty away with me for a trip around the clouds just like the film. Later as I grew up this fantasy would become more realistic as I tried to whisk girls to my room by pretending to be an enigmatic rock guitarist, with poor results I might add.
By the way, I still OWN all four superman films on DVD (at time of typing, I'm probably the only one in the world) my friends laugh at me because of this, but sometimes I just love going down memory lane as I am right now.

Cannot believe all of that happened over 30 years ago at time of writing this.

I wish I could go back for a day


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