Thursday 23 July 2015

Interviews for dead end jobs

Everything that follows is fiction.....

I went to an interview this morning in a fictional town called clitville, I'm not sure how I did.

I'm sitting here waiting for the call from the employment agency.
I'm really anxious because I really want this job, not as a career move because it's just another laborious production job, I want it so I can work days and have my evenings free,and I also want to get away from my torturous boss who is a bit of a sadist.

I will devastated if I dont get the job, it will mean going back into HELL where I currently work, back there, oh god, where it's dark, where dreams are shattered and stood on and spat on.
Where you kiss goodbye to your life.

The interview went okay, but we hit a snag in my employment record. He looked at my C.V. and was puzzled as to why I had so many jobs. He was looking for someone solid, someone reliable, he didn't want someone who would jump ship at the drop of a hat. What could I tell him? I told him I wanted longevity and security and I was getting old now so I didn't want to look for anything else, I don't think he bought it.
Actually he would be wrong, if this job is as easy as it looks, I'd love to be there for life, and do my comedy and music on the night, it's ideal, I would have an ideal life.

What do you say when your C.V. looks like a piece of shit? I think this interviewers face would lighten up if I handed him a piece of shit.

I have done many jobs,and I have a reasons for leaving them all, whether it be a temporary contract, redundancy or slightly better prospects and opportunities, I have left them all. So most of it was out of my hands and some I made choices over, and on two pages it looks like I average a new job every 2 to 3 years.. Well what can I say? There's nothing I can do to change it. Maybe we shouldn't look at it as a negative thing and look at it as a positive thing. It shows I can adapt to change, and have experienced many different manufacturing environments and have worked as part of a team in each and every one. So that's a good thing. You may have a man who has been at the same company since the age of 19 to 65, that's great, it shows commitment, loyalty and so on, but maybe he can't adapt so well to change. I believe I can.

What do you get at the end of it all anyway?? At the end of 40 years as an assembly worker or production / process operator?? You may get a watch or carriage clock by the company, they'll cost less than £100. And maybe a thankyou from the chairman, delivering empty words to you, words that mean nothing to him, he's just going through his yearly presentation, going through the motions like a magician learns and performs his routine, that's all your'e seeing, and you'd be very naive to believe everything they say, if you do, then you're stupid, and you've probably wasted your life in a place that doesnt really appreciate you as much as they claim to be (during the speech), I hope I never hear one of those speeches to me, oh god I would collapse.

I've worked 20 years in dead end jobs, it's hard to be enthusiastic about it, there's NOTHING fulfilling or interesting about them, maybe for the first 10 minutes yes, but afterwards its a laborious sweaty production line, why should anyone be interested in it?
I make no apologies for not being interested in it.


I'm an old bitter and twisted failed rocker,living with a young idealistic rocker

Presently I live with a young rockster called Gary Edwards.
He is around 24 years old, small fellow with long blonde hair and quite feminine looking in general, kind of androgynous in appearance I would say.
He wears the leather, wears the fancy rock clothes, tight jeans, black boots, eyeliner, nail varnish, tattoos that have meanings, as they all seem to do these days, no one likes to take a chance these days and live dangerously with tattoos like they did back in the day, when you didnt care what the tattoo represented, it was just something you got done when you were smashed out of your mind, or maybe you needed proof you were eighteen in order to get served at a bar when you were a kid. The tattoo was your I.D.

Anyway back to Gary, he is really into his music and spends at least 5 out of 7 days a week in his room writing generic rock songs that aren't that special as far as I'm concerned. But I guess he's a young kid and needs to do it, as we all did when we were young. I'm totally 50 / 50 on his pursuit of a musical career. He wants to make it big, he's into old fashioned rock / punk, and loves lots of 70's music. In fact he looks a little like a 70's throwback rocker.
The thing that gets' me is the fact we share the bills, electric and gas, we use the key meter top up way. It grinds on me because he's in 5 days a week 24 hours, but I'm usually out working whilst he is using up the electricity. He's working on his new album he tells me. he promotes it on facebook and twitter and for all the effort he puts into it, he only receives 5 likes at the most. I think that's pointless. He is trying to be his own business, by promoting himself with social media, in other words going on facebook every two hours and giving updates about his album, or news of a new album, dates of his tour (usually 4 dates in cities all over the country that end up being a bar / pub in front of 3 friends , 3 fans and 5 neutral audience members, pointless) and he also sells merchandise, that less than 20 people buy if that. I admire his drive (if you want to call stopping in all day on your P.C. he certainly knows a few things about promotion and computers and so on, but as far as I can see, no one is really interested! Sure there might be family,friends and some real fans he has met over the years, but really there aren't that many, I'd say less than 100 for sure, but realistically probably 50. Now to me he's doing something wrong.

I think he needs to get 'out there' and I mean physically out there, he needs to be gigging in the city we live in. At the moment we are living in London. It's a great city, there are bars, and music venues and festivals, and competitions he can do as well as the cheesy dreadful open mike nights. If he is promoting his music, I think he needs to hammer it, he needs to get into every opportunity in the city until everyone knows him or is sick to death of seeing him. He should take a bag full of his merchandise, like t shirts, albums, business cards and so on. He needs to do this just to get more fans, more interest in his music and build up a following. Why not do this in the city you live in first. Then yo can move onto the next city and so on.
Because at the moment as far as I can see it's not working out that well. He does gigs as far as Scunthorpe, he will drive all the way there to play in front of 5 people and he sees this as a success, whereas I see it as totally pointless.
He tried to get me to drive him on his 'tour' we were going to go to Devon , Margate , London , Newcastle what a ridiculous assortment of gigs, you couldn't get those places further apart for starters, and secondly, the gigs would just be little pubs, run down pubs, again you would be playing in front of 5 people, and he sees this as a success, my god, maybe I'm totally wrong, maybe he's deluded.

I keep forgetting he is a young kid, he's enthusiastic, the world is his oyster. I think Bono once said, when you're in a band you feel like you can take on the whole world, Yeah that's true, and for any young musician you can relate to that, we've all been there. The truth is not all of us did take on the world, 80% of us didn't and we ended up old without any skills in a run down council flat drinking frosty Jack cider and washing the taste of that away with bleach. That's the reality for many failed musicians. We just couldn't take on the world, we barely had enough money for a van.

When you're old, you get sick of the conversations of younger people mainly because you have heard their stories before, you have experienced most of their experiences, and after listening to 20 years of this, you get a little sick of it. You know about the rolling stones, and the beatles, and the stories that go with them, and after 20 years of repetition, we dont care anymore, we are not that impressed. We can lip synch pop culture if we wanted to. So every day Gary tries to educate me about pop culture, and I don't give a fuck, it's boring, so what Keith RIchards has done a lot of drugs, we know this, ow what? where do we go from there? where is the progression? What's the point? He's an old man who has done drugs and still rocks out? He's a survivor? Yes he is, he's also a millionaire. What about Liam? My local tramp? He's a real survivor, spends 12 months outside in all the elements. He can;t afford drugs, he's too poor. He is a real survivor.
What's my point? I don't know, I guess I'm just sick of hearing the same stories over and over again, give me something new.

At the moment I'm listening to Gary edit his new live video from Scunthorpe, he did a promotional gig there with his father on accordion. As I type I can hear it, and it sounds absolutely dreadful, in every way. The singing is awful, the guitar sounds awful and the songs sounds like shit. I imagine there's only 10 in the audience, why the fuck would they listen to this? Maybe because it's got a punk attitude and rawness to it, they think it's exclusive in some way. As far as I'm concerned it's sounds like generic shit played really badly. Sorry Gary, it's just boring to me.

Listening to this shit reminds me of all the shit garage bands I've been in, nothing new.

At the time of writing this fucker is ripping me off with the bills left right and centre.
I am sick of him doing this, really am. I cant even explain the bills, it's pointless, basically he's got no money, he's trying to live from his art. His art is mediocre, he doesn't know that. It certainly isn't paying that's for sure.

We used to pay £95 a month for council tax.
I gave into him and said yes.

I gave into him and said yes.

Third month, he applies for council tax rebate because he doesn't earn enough as a musician, he says he isn't eligible to pay it therefore, because I'm working I SHOULD pay it ALL myself.
I dont' believe this for a minute, it does not feel right.
I've written to the council to try and shed light on this, but it does not sit right with me.
ON top of this we have the internet which costs, £25 a month, it's only £12.50 each but he's not willing to pay for that at all, and I can't figure out why, he seems to think it's mine therefore wont pay a thing.

THis is driving me wild, it's not the money although when I think about him being in the house all day using electric, using the internet and not willing to pay, THAT grinds on me....
I will snap when he asks me to buy toilet roll. It will be something pathetic like that, that will send me into a rage.
It's the fact that he is not willing to pay that's it.
HOw can someone do that to me?
Sure, I've let him get away with stuff at the beginning of the year, and he's trying his luck all the time, pushing it, seeing how far he can go, and getting away with it.
He loves it, it helps his image as the rocker who roughed it, blagged it to get to the top, it's the story he wants and needs. His fans will love him for it, all three of them.

I'm arranging to leave here now, whatever it takes, I want to shift my gear in one full swoop probably before midday, he is usually asleep until then.

Just leave him with a BOOM, I'm GONE, You should have give me some respect. It's a shame, only then will he realise.
He's a parasite, a virus dragging me down.

Or perhaps it would be better to sit down with a cream soda and discuss my issues with him like a man.

Bottling things up, and not discussing the problem.


I am sick of this chap I've been living with for a the last three months.
I rue the day I met this guy, he saw me coming that's for sure. I was desperate for a place to stay, he was desperate for a flatmate.
He basically doesn't work, not work as we know it. He's trying to get by solely by being a musician. Very admirable indeed.
That's fine, I'm all for that. UNTIL it affects me. and this guy has been doing anything he can to get away with not paying anything.

He is a self employed musician which means he's skint.

I work every day, he stays in every day (working on an album) he's in using the electricity / gas / water (his showers last for at least 30 minutes at a time, so long that I have to run to the pub if i need the toilet) he uses all that water at least 30 mins a day, can you imagine? We take turns buying coffee and tea and milk, that seems fair.....but.......he's in ALL day EVERY DAY, using electricity,gas,water, coffee, tea, milk.....I'm out of the house working for 8 hours......not using electricity,gas,water,tea,coffee......and we are splitting everything 50/50????? Come on...he's got a good deal there. I wouldn't be complete twat and ask him to pay two thirds of all that, but you see my point, when I get in after work and see him doing fuck all, just watching T.V. working on his new album, drinking the coffee and so on, it starts to grind me down. multiply that by months and you're really pissed off, as am I right now.
What else?
We both pay £250 rent
he pays roughly £40 water a month
I now pay £44 council tax.
I also pay £25 for the internet that he wont pay.
he says that's mine, my responsibility even though he's in ALL DAY EVERY DA~Y using it.
I fucking hate him.

And I hate myself MORE for being so spineless and letting him walk all over me.
I don't like confrontations you see, so I usually bottle things up.
This guy has been walking over me for months. It's a horrible feeling knowing you've let yourself be walked on and humiliated, knowing THEY know you're spineless, knowing they can get away with it, time and time again.
You see I do two things, I keep quiet or I explode, I can't do the calm middle ground. The sensible intelligent ground. I just want to hit them.

Now I'm in a situation where I have left the property, I had to get out of there, I couldn't stand him shitting on me, AND the terrible area I lived in. I couldn't wait to get away from him.
But unfortunately, I am bound in a contract with HIM, myself and a letting agent, I can't leave unless, we BOTH leave...OR we find a new tenant, which I have been trying to do.
I gave HIM and the letting agent...plenty of notice in an email,...BUT Unfortunately the contract still states...we BOTH need to give notice.
ALTHOUGH i DID tell him my plans WEEKS ago...
Now even if we give notice, I still have to pay rent on a property I don't live in, so he gets an extra month on his own to find someone to replace me.OR he may decide to stay and make me keep paying, depending if he's a twat or not.

I rue the day I met this guy, he's a piece of work, I want to break his nose, I really do. I't s a shame I'm spineless, I have thoughts of saying goodbye to him them smashing my fist in his face and flattering that nose of his, just as a mark of disrespect.

Or maybe the alternative would be to sit down with a cup of tea and scones and discuss this as two mature adults.

Wednesday 22 July 2015

I'm in Nottingham

Well, here I am, sitting in a nice victorian house that has been converted to a flat.

It's in a nice area called Mapperley.
I'm ten minutes walk into the city and 5 minutes into the countryside, so it's ideal.

At the time of writing I am unemployed, but I am still looking for work.
I have just finished a temporary contract in Castle Donnington, that was just a little job to bridge the gap from Liverchester to here.

In the meantime I have tried a few jobs here, they have been terrible.
I have to be honest, some of them have brought me to tears, they depress me, make me feel like a real fuck up.

I went to one place, it was a shithole, an ink factory. you needed 5 sets of clothes to get through the week because the ink would seep into your clothes, and if you're weren't careful they would stain your car seat. So you clothes and your car would be ruined.
The hours were 6-2, or 2-10. But you only got a break when you had enough time between jobs, and as far as I could see, you rarely got a break. I bought a sandwich from the 'COB' van at nine o clock and I didn't eat it until two o clock, that's how busy it was. I'm sure that's illegal, and I certainly didn't fancy that every day. You also had the usual team leader types there too, young lads who were bullied at school trying to make a name for themselves in the world of work.
God I hate that, all they do is shout and talk to people like shit.
Production,production, faster, faster, let's get these products out fast. I've heard this all my life, and I'm sick of it, it's not fulfilling, I think that's what's lacking, I only do it for money, but it's starting to grind me down.

There were some guys who had been in the ink factory for over thirteen years,I asked 'WHY?' I told them they had a choice, they can leave, why settle for this? This shit job with the shit environment and shit pay and relentless hours, no time to eat, shit or talk, just got a twenty three year old foreman chasing your arse all day, who needs that? I was doing these dead end jobs before that arsehole was born, and it meant nothing to me then.
Sounds like I have a bad work attitude, but this doesnt feel like work, this feels like hell, so this is my hell attitude.

I tried another job via the agency, it was in a place called Heanor near Derby.
It was a place that assembled trollies, I called it terrible trollies. It was awful.
It was a relentless slog. There were trollies, full of trolly parts, myself and two other poor souls grabbed the trolly parts and separated them into other trollies, these trollies were given to the assemblers who would assemble the trolly parts into more trollies, then they pushed them out of the door onto a wagon, as they passed we would grab some more trollies, to put more trolly parts in.....and repeat the process over and over.
But it was tiring, many people had quit before me, and many more would do the same after I quit. I was basically lifting steel over my head all day for eight hours,If that was a choice of your day, would you do it? I guess here none of us had a choice, and you could see that in the faces here. Everyone was pissed off, a place of broken dreams, where fuck ups end up, all of us pissed off, all of us thinking 'shit we really did fuck up in school didnt we!!' The realisation becomes apparent as your'e lifting steel over your head, after an hour it's painful, you want to quit, but you need money.....the trade off is pain.

I quit.

I have however, applied to many more temporay jobs, they ring me constantly so come next week I should have something, and this time I really wil have to take anything because I'm getting desperate here.

As always x